Towards a Resilient Society Through Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
The BOSAI Industry Exhibition 2025, organized by the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun and the Disaster Risk Reduction Industry Conference of Japan proudly introduce the products and services related to disaster prevention and mitigation one go under the theme, "Towards a Resilient Society Through Disaster Prevention and Mitigation."
According to the Japanese government’s Earthquake Research Committee , there is a 90% probability of a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 8 to 9 occurring in the Nankai Trough within the next 40 years. In the event of such a major earthquake or severe rainfall disasters caused by climate change, it is said that the formulation of a BCP (Business Continuity Plan) for companies and municipalities to quickly respond and recover is essential for restoring daily life. Furthermore, a maximum intensity 7 earthquake occurred centered Noto Peninsula in January 2024, heightening public awareness of large-scale disaster preparedness.
We hope this exhibition will serve as an opportunity to promote and expand the reach of disaster prevention and mitigation products and solutions, etc.
Natural Disaster Countermeasures
Earthquake-resistant, vibration-damping, and seismic isolation technologies, fire-resistant products, flood barriers, pumps, rain gauges, predictive systems, lightning desalination devices rods, strong wind and tornado countermeasures, coastal protection, and slope reinforcement solutions, etc.
Support for Stranded Individuals
Temporary tents, water purifierscation and desalination deviceswater generators, portable toilets, emergency supplies, and ready-to-eat meals for use in emergency foodsies, etc.
Information Systems
Disaster monitoring systems, integrated disaster prevention systemsolutions, emergency medical information systemplatforms, employee tracking systems, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), earthquake early warning systems, and traffic information systems, etc.
Robotics, Drones, and VR Services
Surveying, infrastructure inspection, disaster and hazard areazone investigation, weather observation, logistics, security, and VR-based training tools, etc.
BCP Solutions
Energy storage systems, high-capacity batteries, disaster consulting, disaster-related digital transformation (DX), and safety confirmation services, etc.
2024 Digest Video
Building Sustainable and Attractive Land, Urban, and Regional Spaces
Green infrastructure refers to initiatives that utilize the diverse functions of natural environments for both hard and soft aspects of urban and regional development. This approach contributes to achieving the SDGs by 2030, mitigating climate change through carbon neutrality, building a circular society that efficiently uses natural resources, and preserving biodiversity cultivated over many years. The exhibition will feature a wide range of products, technologies, solutions, and exemplary cases related to green infrastructure.
[Disaster Prevention and Mitigation]
Rainwater storage and infiltration systems, roadside tree planters, green channels, greening initiatives, flood control measures, and river management solutions.
[Urban and Living Spaces]
Mixed-use development, transit-oriented development, design and construction, landscape design, park and facility management, playground equipment, life-cycle housing, GIS, footpaths, smart growth strategies, green workspaces, exterior greening, rain gardens, rainwater utilization, rooftop and wall greening, dry mist systems, cool walls, artificial greenery, raised beds, artificial wetlands, water quality improvement, and biophilic design.
[Ecosystem Conservation]
Biotopes, revetment panels, bioswales, water purification and wastewater treatment systems, floriculture, seedlings, trees, planters, garden tourism, biodiversity conservation initiatives, 30by30 targets, and blue carbon solutions.
[Funding and Financing]
Crowdfunding, TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures), credit trading, green bonds, Business Improvement Districts, Park-PFI systems, and consulting services.
[Construction Technologies]
Construction materials, recycled and environmentally friendly materials, carbon absorption, removal, and utilization technologies, equipment installation and maintenance, preventive measures, surveying and inspection, drones, and construction DX solutions.
[Smart Cities]
ICT, AI, IoT, infrastructure maintenance and management, urban planning and development, tourism and regional revitalization, and transportation and mobility solutions.
A New Business Frontier: "Space"
This exhibition, now in its fourth edition, is one of Japan’s largest industrial showcases dedicated solely to the space business. It brings together a wide range of products and services in the rapidly expanding space-related market, including robots and technologies specialized for space development and lunar exploration, rocket development, manufacturing, and launch infrastructure, as well as satellite-based businesses and ground-based space-related services.
Lunar exploration, lunar development, deep space exploration
General contractors, construction equipment manufacturers, robots, mobility
Satellite manufacturing and communication equipment
Communication satellite, ground station development
Space life support (clothing, food, housing)
Space food, food production, environmental conservation, health care
Rocket manufacturing and launch
Heavy industry, parts manufacturing, venture corporations
Satellite utilization business
Satellite remote-sensing, entertainment
Other space-related services
Wholesale companies, investment, insurance, space travel
Rocket launch infrastructure
Spaceport development, local government
On-orbit services
ISS development and manufacturing, space debris removal
Various space-related organizations and academia
Toward a Richer Society Powered by Geospatial Information
The exhibition at the Geospatial Information Forum is organized by member organizations of the forum and aims to deepen understanding of geospatial technologies that underpin a geospatial society. These include GNSS positioning, Quasi-Zenith Satellites, surveying, mapping, indoor positioning, GIS, IT, telecommunications, disaster prevention, and more. Exhibitors showcase and distribute technologies, products, services, and related technical documentation to achieve this purpose.
Geo-Activity Contest
This contest aims to foster the next generation of talent for a geospatial society and promote the use of geospatial information. It invites innovative ideas and new services leveraging geospatial information from the public. Selected participants will showcase and present their entries at the event, and outstanding submissions will be awarded. The contest creates a space where visitors and exhibitors can connect and inspire new ideas.
Lectures and Symposiums
The program features lectures and symposiums delivering the latest updates on positioning technologies, research findings, product development, industry trends, and emerging technologies.
Ichi Biz Awards
The Ichiban Biz Awards is a business idea contest designed to discover individuals with groundbreaking ideas and skills beyond traditional fields. It aims to commercialize innovative business concepts utilizing geospatial information.
Surveying, aerial and terrestrial laser surveying, Mobile Mapping Systems (MMS), Quasi-Zenith Satellites, electronic control points, GNSS, satellite positioning, GPS, UAVs, and indoor positioning.
Maps, fundamental geospatial information, GIS, land registry and cadastral services, and location-based services.
Remote sensing, marine surveys, regional and urban planning, and i-Construction.
Construction, architecture, construction consulting, design, CAD, CALS, ICT-based construction, and CIM/BIM integration.
Agriculture, resource management, tourism, transportation, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), logistics, and environmental applications.
Free for pre-registered visitors, invitation holders, and students in junior high school or younger.
*Visitors who do not meet the above criteria will be charged an admission fee of 1,000 JPY.
Online Venue
Event Dates
January 22 (Wed) - February 7 (Fri), 2025
Entry Fee
Nikkanko ID
is required to register for admission to this exhibition.