01.29(Wed) 12:30-13:10 Conference 3-C

Expand our planet, Expand our future 人類の生活圏を宇宙に広げ、持続性のある世界を目指す-月ミッションに挑む民間企業-



Event time 2025.01.29(Wed) 12:30~13:10
title Expand our planet, Expand our future 人類の生活圏を宇宙に広げ、持続性のある世界を目指す-月ミッションに挑む民間企業-
Performing company 株式会社ispace
Venue International Space Conference Venue
Exhibition International Space Industry Exhibition 2025


ispace, inc.
Mr. Urata Masayuki

ispace, inc.

  • #space_exploration_depth_moon_exploration_moon_development
  • #other_space_related_service

Expand our planet. Expand our future. ispace, a global lunar resource development company with the vision, “Expand our planet. Expand our future.”, specializes in designing and building lunar landers and rovers. ispace aims to extend the sphere of human life into space and create a sustainable world by providing high-frequency, low-cost transportation services to the Moon. The company has business entities in Japan, Luxembourg, and the United States with more than 300 employees worldwide.